Seniors Swapped

Seniors and staff revive the Senior Switch tradition

On Wednesday, April 13, seniors and teachers participated in the Senior Switch Day tradition after a three-year hiatus. 

During Senior Switch Day, seniors can choose to swap places with one of their teachers and run their classroom for a day, including making lesson plans and running lectures and discussions. Seniors also dressed up as their teachers while some teachers dressed in student “attire.”


  • Nicole Sir and Dan Ouk swapped with Art teacher Celia Gollub.

  • Jisu Lee and Aaron Song swapped with math teacher Thomas Quinn.

  • Brooke Farrington swapped with business teacher Antonio Marino.

  • Isabella Chugranis swapped with phys. ed. teacher Joseph Clause.

  • Alicia Acosta and Cara Hliboki swapped with science teacher Steve Ahad.

  • Oliva Klein swapped with phys. ed. teacher Kathleen Wehmann.

  • Will Foote, Alba Kortoci, and Anthony Ramundo swapped with social studies teacher Brain Dunn.

  • Zelcer B (Nick Peterkin) and Zelcer C (Tina Chugranis) swapped with English teacher Brook Zelcer.

  • Ariana Lim, Siena Griffin, and Brooke Ackerman as English teacher Erica Sposa.

  • Brooke Wilkins, Jola Olutiola, and Alexa Essmann swapped with social studies teacher Christine Massaro.

  • Sam Yi, Jake Cohen, and Max Nasjletti with math teacher Lisa Barragato.

  • Ryan Woo and Erin Schoolsky as social studies teacher Thomas Walsh.

  • Ryan Tacchi and Josie Morales as security guard Brandon Gregory.

  • Ace Kim and Abram Jamgotchian as engineering teacher Nicole Hodgson.

  • Allie Putzer and Emily Clune as social studies teacher Jennifer Fernandez.

  • Ashley Bealous swapped with phys. ed. teacher Meredith Winchell.

  • Brandon Scheinbach and Ryan Leocata getting lunch with history teacher Nicholas Pellegrino.

  • Brooke Seldes and Natasha Vazacopoulos as business teacher Frank Rotella.

  • Zoe Ottomanelli and Lily Corso swapped with child development teacher Amy Weir.

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