Seniors Swapped
Seniors and staff revive the Senior Switch tradition
The Lance Staff|April 14, 2022
On Wednesday, April 13, seniors and teachers participated in the Senior Switch Day tradition after a three-year hiatus.
During Senior Switch Day, seniors can choose to swap places with one of their teachers and run their classroom for a day, including making lesson plans and running lectures and discussions. Seniors also dressed up as their teachers while some teachers dressed in student “attire.”
Nicole Sir and Dan Ouk swapped with Art teacher Celia Gollub.
Jisu Lee and Aaron Song swapped with math teacher Thomas Quinn.
Brooke Farrington swapped with business teacher Antonio Marino.
Isabella Chugranis swapped with phys. ed. teacher Joseph Clause.
Alicia Acosta and Cara Hliboki swapped with science teacher Steve Ahad.
Oliva Klein swapped with phys. ed. teacher Kathleen Wehmann.
Will Foote, Alba Kortoci, and Anthony Ramundo swapped with social studies teacher Brain Dunn.
Zelcer B (Nick Peterkin) and Zelcer C (Tina Chugranis) swapped with English teacher Brook Zelcer.
Ariana Lim, Siena Griffin, and Brooke Ackerman as English teacher Erica Sposa.
Brooke Wilkins, Jola Olutiola, and Alexa Essmann swapped with social studies teacher Christine Massaro.
Sam Yi, Jake Cohen, and Max Nasjletti with math teacher Lisa Barragato.
Ryan Woo and Erin Schoolsky as social studies teacher Thomas Walsh.
Ryan Tacchi and Josie Morales as security guard Brandon Gregory.
Ace Kim and Abram Jamgotchian as engineering teacher Nicole Hodgson.
Allie Putzer and Emily Clune as social studies teacher Jennifer Fernandez.
Ashley Bealous swapped with phys. ed. teacher Meredith Winchell.
Brandon Scheinbach and Ryan Leocata getting lunch with history teacher Nicholas Pellegrino.
Brooke Seldes and Natasha Vazacopoulos as business teacher Frank Rotella.
Zoe Ottomanelli and Lily Corso swapped with child development teacher Amy Weir.