Shot Put Record Thrown Aside by Underclassmen
Students break 42-year-old school shot put relay record
Layla Giordano, Brenna Delaney, and Maya Giordano throwing at the meet.
Three underclassmen broke the NVOT shot put relay record at the Bergen County Relays, held at River Dell High School on April 22 and 23. Sophomores Maya and Layla Giordano and freshman Brenna Delaney had combined throws of 99 feet and 8.5 inches—exceeding the 1980 record of 98 feet and 5 inches.
This is the first season the Giordanos and Delaney are throwing together as a shot put relay team. Prior to the county relays, the girls had only thrown together once before at an invitational relay on April 9.
L. Giordano said that at the first invitational relay, “we came a few feet short of the record, so that was motivation for coming into the county.”

Their dedication and teamwork paid off—Delaney said, “It felt really great, as it has been a goal of ours from the beginning of the season.”
Coach Peter Dunn was extremely proud, saying, “I told the girls at the beginning of the season that if they all throw well at the same relay meet, they will break [the record].” Dunn told them that as long as they keep working, they “can be one of the great relay teams in county history.”
After bringing their talents together for the first time as a team, the three are excited about the future and especially to “have the opportunity to come back next year and break our own record,” said M. Giordano.
L. Giordano added, “It feels so good to know that our names are now ingrained in our school history.”