Lessons Learned from the Class of 2022

In their final month of high school, the Class of 2022 was asked to summarize their experiences, memories, and lessons learned. 


  • “One lesson I will take away from from HS years is that the little moments are the ones that matter the most. My high school experience was made complete by the laughs in the classroom, the quirks of NVOT, and everyone around me. Looking back, I am now more appreciative of my peers and the community that was created as the class of 2022” – Ilan Barnea

  • “I learned that you need to control what you can control. Some things just won’t go our way but it is important to do the things right that we can control.” – Drew Maier

  • “During my senior year, I came away with one lesson, to live in the moment because it will go away with a snap of the finger.” – Max Nasjletti

  • “The biggest lesson I learned from senior year was to take everyday day by day and not overthink about the future. Senior year has felt very long and I’m glad it has because that means I was living in the moment all year long like I wanted to.” – Madison Murphy

  • “When life knocks you down a peg, climb back up. Marching band state champs is pretty high up there too.” – Jo Serrano

  • “The lesson I will takeaway from high school is don’t waste the time you have. High school is more than the classes and the degree at the end its about the friends you make and the memories you have. COVID made me realize just how important the little conversations and laughs are in class with your friends.” – Josh Cannold

  • “One lesson I will take with me from my high school years is that even when things don’t go in your favor, you have to keep moving forward.” – Siddhi Samant

  • “One important lesson that I learned through the past couple years is approaching things with a beginner mindset, whether it is a class, a new skill, or even choosing your college major. As a freshman, I came to NVOT being pretty close minded and focused only on academics and playing flute. I didn’t realize that there were so many opportunities outside of academics and flute until I started playing other instruments like the saxophone, french horn, and clarinet. Trying new things took me back to what felt like level zero, but it was an insightful experience that taught me to accept failure and grow from it. Even with skills like Japanese that I had spent years learning, I realize now that approaching it with the clear perspective of a beginner allows you to keep growing beyond complacency. This mindset is something I will take with me to college and beyond as I pursue my journey in music.” – Rachel Tang

  • “My most important takeaway from high school was that you shouldn’t be scared to step out of your comfort zone and pursue new experiences – you never know who you’ll meet or what you’ll learn along the way.” – Alicia Hamm

  • “One lesson I learned from high school is to never be afraid to talk to new people.” – Sam Connell

  • “In the final weeks of school, I am really trying to spend as much time as possible with all of my friends. Since all of us want to make the most of our last days, we pretty much do everything together outside of school.”- Mason Tsaglos

  • “One lesson I learned from high school is that it’s temporary. No matter how hard it is now, it will get better, you just have to wait.” – Caitlin Carpenter

  • “I learned that all the tough times and stresses make moments like this much more memorable and enjoyable.” – Jonah Kim

  • “Coming back from WBL to OT for two days to finish out my last days of highschool was such a comforting feeling. It’s always a great day to be a knight”- Allie Putzer

  • “My friends all coming together to celebrate milestones and what’s to come for me in the future is a really important way that I’m finishing out my senior year”- Gianna Benasillo

  • “I think what I’ll carry with me from my senior year is the friendships I will continue to carry with me to the next stages of my life.” – Evan Chrenko

  • “One lesson that I learned was to cherish people and learn to love people no matter what happens. One memory that I’ll take from HS is prom and dancing with people.” – Sam Yi

  • “One lesson I’ll take away from this school year is to not dwell on the past. Bad things happen and it sucks, but I have the ability to change my outlook and surround myself wih people who bring out the best in me.” – Ariana Lim

  • “One lesson that I learned was not to dwell on the past. It already happened and there’s no point in stressing about it. Take it as a lesson learned and move on.” – Jodie Byun

  • “I really value all of my friendships and it means a lot to me that I can always look back at photos even after we have gone our separate ways for college. Those memories will always stick with me.” – Amelia Murphy

  • “One lesson i will take away from from HS years is that the little moments are the ones that matter the most. My high school experience was made complete by the laughs in the classroom, the quirks of NVOT, and everyone around me. Looking back, I am now more appreciative of my peers and the community that was created as the class of 2022.” – Brooke Seldes

  • “A lesson that I will take away from my high school years is that everything happens for a reason and you just have to be patient. When that time comes, it’s important to cherish those memories because it goes by fast. One of those that I will cherish the most is driving around Piermont with my friends blasting the music the night before my AP Lit exam.” – Ava Petrilli

  • “The most important lesson I learned from high school is to always be kind to people because it will find its way back to you.” – Tala Areiqat

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