A Great Day To Be a Knight
An intra-grade Golden Knights Day makes its debut in the stadium outside.
The Lance Staff|June 21, 2022
After a two year hiatus, Golden Knights Day made a return on Monday, June 20. Students across all grades had the opportunity to show their school spirit and compete in field-day style games facilitated by The Health, Physical Education, and Driver Education Department teachers to win points for their grade. The games they could participate in included musical chairs, drop and pop, hula-hoop race, 3-legged race, water balloon toss, and tug of war. The juniors took the win in first place followed by the sophomores in second.
Students waiting in line for ice cream.
Sophomores Lara Areiqat and Christine Kim.
Underclassmen preparing for Golden Knights Day.
Underclassmen enjoying their ice pops before the festivities begin.
Watching the games.
Juniors wait for their turn on the field.
The Golden Knight in all his glory.
Senior participants posing with the Golden Knight.
Underclassmen formulating their game plan.
Senior Ava Petrilli posing.
Seniors preparing for their activities.