The Latest — To Infinity and Beyond

October 31 to November 4

Astronomy Club 

On Wednesday, November 2, the Astronomy Club’s advisor, John Hughes, held a virtual meeting with students where they discussed the “Astronomy Picture of the Day” that showed the sun and the previous week’s solar eclipse. The club then discussed how solar eclipses work, and then viewed the newest pictures taken by the James Webb space telescope and one taken by Hubble, which can record data in “infra-red light.”

Korean Club 

On Wednesday, November 2,  the Korean Club met in South Cafeteria for their cultural game day. During the meeting, the members played both modern and traditional Korean games, including Red Light Green Light, Chicken Fight, and Guess the Song.  


On Thursday, November 3, after school in the North Cafeteria, the Hand-In-Hand club held a Thanksgiving-themed meeting. Members of the club brought in ingredients like stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey, and veggies.  Members sat with their partners, eating, and also doing Thanksgiving activities.  


On Friday, November 4, at NVOT, the Volunteens finished their “V Up Project” with a bulletin board set to go up next week. On the board, members of the club will be putting up a “V” to show their support for the club.