Commitment to Success
Senior Jane Kim reflects on four years of extracurricular activities
Typically, high school students participate in a sport, pursue art, play an instrument, or join a couple of clubs. Some students go beyond by participating in two activities. Few, maybe three. With the rigorous demand of schoolwork, students face the difficulty of juggling too many extracurricular activities.
As the Boy’s Basketball Team manager, Marching Band Drum Major, Varsity Debate Vice President, and Model UN President, senior Jane Kim reached high and achieved. Although “there were, of course, difficult moments with managing my time and keeping up with everything,” Kim said, she eventually “overcame them all and reached [her] goals” of fulfilling the best high school experience. But, it’s her bright personality and responsible character that has contributed to her high school experience’s success.
One of the things Kim is most proud of achieving throughout high school is getting to know a majority of her fellow students. A familiar face in school, “Jane’s constantly saying hi to other students left and right, and I tease her for being so popular,” best friend senior Jihyun Kwon said. Through Kim’s extracurricular activities, she was able to have a wide group of friends instead of being in her bubble. She got to know student athletes, musicians, and artists, which she is “really happy about. It made it easier as a person to open up to everyone, and this is important for teaching,” Kim stated. Kwon can’t agree more. “Jane likes being known. She somehow became my past physics teacher’s ‘Best Student,’ even though she didn’t have him as a teacher,” Kwon joked. “Jane is the best student that I have never had. She’s a caring person, well spoken, and fun to have around,” said physics teacher Mr. Mustapha Elqariani.
In addition, a huge advocate for commitment, Kim knew that whatever she’s dedicated to, she will “…stick through it until the end,” she said. Kwon, Kim’s closest friend, said, “Jane is 200% persistent. She doesn’t like giving up, whether it’s over small or big things.” This is clear through her dedication to all of her activities from freshman year until senior year. And this characteristic will benefit Kim in the long run with her choice of becoming a teacher.
In her freshman year, Kim accordingly picked the clubs she wanted to be involved in for the next four years: Model UN and Debate. Each of the club’s individual characteristics appealed to her, especially because “I love to talk,” she said. In Debate, “you research a topic and you compete to win,” she said. Whereas for Model UN, “it’s more about talking, compromising, and working with other people. It brings awareness to global problems.”
Making the choice to be the Boy’s Basketball Team manager is a decision Kim will never regret. “To be honest, I became the manager to relieve my stress. When I go to games, I’m not focused on anything except for the games, which are exhilarating and fun,” she said. As an activity that sticks out among the rest, managing the team, now for four years, has made her high school career more enjoyable, Kim acknowledged.
According to the Boy’s Basketball Team Head Coach Mr. Craig Ferraro, Kim does anything and everything for the team. “Her main role is to keep the score, which is a super important job. She also sets up the uniforms with everything folded nicely with all of the numbers showing on each jersey.” Although she doesn’t physically play basketball, she’s a member of the team who “works hard, [is] always there on time, and…does anything we need, which makes it easier for us,” Ferraro added.
Finally, being one of the three drum majors for Marching Band has most directly reflected her passion and commitment. As an active leader conducting and guiding the rest of the band members, “it’s important to command a room and be encouraging. It’s my priority to get other students pumped and interested in participating,” Kim said.
As a positive influence to other students in the Marching Band, “her energy is infectious and she is always eager to work hard and have fun. She is a wonderful example to the other students by being dedicated and passionate,” said Marching Band Director Ms. Amy Wilcox. Taking the leadership role of “conducting a portion of our field show,… lead[ing] stretches,… plan[ning] social activities,…send[ing] out reminders,… and run[ning] rehearsals, Jane did [and continues to do] an outstanding job” with her responsibilities in being a leader, Wilcox added.
Both Ferraro and Wilcox encourage Kim to keep working hard, put herself out there, and keep her enthusiasm. “If she does these things, she will be very successful,” added Ferraro. “She is so passionate that it’s contagious. I know she will do great things in her future,” said Wilcox.
Although it was quite difficult at times, Kim has managed to keep up with all of her activities and schoolwork with the help of her animated nature. Now, she’s hoping that with the same amount of commitment, she can fulfill her dream of becoming a history teacher. Kim has made a contribution to the school and the student body as a result of her involvement in numerous extracurricular activities.

Kim as Drum Major

Kim and debate partner Craig Schulman with Second Place Team trophy