Serving Seniors A Loss
Seniors and staff members go head-to-head
The Lance Staff|March 3, 2023
On Thursday, March 2, members of the senior class faced off against staff members in a volleyball game at lunch in the North Gym. Ultimately, the seniors lost by a score of 30-28.
The staff team makes exciting entrance to face-off against seniors.
Staff members break through their banner.
Staff march out onto the court.
Science teacher Steve Ahad on the court.
Coach Byron refereeing the game.
Seniors get ready to take on their teachers.
Senior Nathan Park spiking the ball.
Players in action.
Assistant Principal Robert Hyman celebrates the teachers’ lead.
Seniors prepare for their comeback.
Senior Bryan Harden in action.
Students Marin DeGennaro, Isabella Alvarez, Sanjana Philips, Zoe Fleury, Ally Manteiga, and Max Baly watch the game.
Ahad spiking on the seniors.
Senior Nathan Park airborne as he scores on his teachers.
English teacher Jennifer Dee cheering on STEM teacher Nicole Hodgeson mid-game.
Players on the court mid-game.
Seniors prepare for match-point.
Mrs. Dee celebrates victory over seniors.