Work-Based Learning Alternatives

How Seniors In School Have Been Keeping Busy

Work Based Learning, or WBL, is the time of senior year for the graduating class to have a break from traditional learning before going off to college. When senioritis is at an all time high, the opportunity to leave the building for around a month is something not taken lightly.

 However, some seniors may have circumstances preventing them from leaving, whether it be commitment to a leadership position or too many lates. “Wouldn’t it be fun for [the seniors] to have something to look forward to here?” says school psychologist Dr. Gina Restivo, as she introduced an idea for those who stayed behind. WBL Alternatives are activities that seniors can participate in, instead of going to class. Teachers involve students in various activities such as going outside for bird watching or to the academic theater for improv. 

The activities are announced at the start of each week by email from Dr. Restivo, with new activities each day at different times. Seniors participating are expected to get permission from their teachers and sign up online. There’s a big range of activities and Restivo encourages hesitant students to “just come and watch.” 

Students are free to simply observe the activities until they feel comfortable enough to join in. If there’s no activity that appeals to them they can easily suggest other activities as Restivo has been adding to the activity list.

  • “I went to Mr. Ahad’s photography and also Mr. Train’s birdwatching and I really liked both of them. I found it really relaxing just walking outside and looking for birds, and it amazed me how much wildlife there is just on the school campus. I’ve learned to appreciate nature around me a lot more, and might take this up as an actual hobby.” – Samuel Zhao

  • “I loved how with these activities, I have been able to get closer to my friends and really learn about their music taste” – Claire Park

  • “I really enjoyed the dorm recipes because it brought my class together and it allowed us to have fun and relax. It was a nice escape from regular school work.” – Alexis Richmond

  • “I did improv with VB as a WBL alternative and it was a fun way to see students I don’t have any classes with and reconnect with a teacher that I haven’t had a class with since freshman year.” – Holly Budinich

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