Diversity Day 2023

NVOT celebrates annual Diversity Day

On Friday, June 2, Diversity Club held their annual Diversity Day. This year the Diversity Club beat their record with 34 different booths— including 33 different countries and the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) booth. This year, the day included Tae Kwon Do, Italian Trumpet, song, and poetry performances.

Diversity Day, run by the Diversity Club with advisor Hollie Wiesenburg, is a day in which students are able to experience new cultures through visual art, performances, and food. When students sign up, they choose to represent a country and create a booth to inform people about their heritage.

Sophomore Jamie Kim said that she loved “watching the performances and seeing the different countries” while she ran a booth. Diversity Day was a great way to have all the students together to learn and engage in different cultures.

  • Four students represent the Philippines at Diversity Day.

  • Three students represent Turkey at Diversity Day.

  • Juniors Christina Foschino, Charlotte Atalla, and Ellexa Belen represent the Netherlands at their booth.

  • Three students represent Vietnam at their booth.

  • One student represents Syria at Diversity Day with cultural food and information.

  • Four students represent Spain with Spanish food and candy at their booth.

  • A student represents Kosova at Diversity Day.

  • Two students represent Jamaica at Diversity Day.

  • Diversity Club officers Hanif Mouehla, Jenny Kim, and Maya Soares with club advisor Hollie Wiesenburg.

  • Senior Jun Sim jumps over volunteers during Tae Kwon Do performance.

  • Seniors Maya Soares and Ariana Denicola with Junior Caroline Tharakan at the India booth.

  • Students represent Italy at their booth with Italian food.

  • Students gather around Senior Seho Lee while he plays piano in the courtyard.

  • Three students represent Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala together.

  • Senior Juna Langone and Junior Sophia Espina represent the GSA with rainbow candy.

  • Two students represent France with a poster and cultural French food.

  • Sophomore students represent Croatia with candy and food.

  • Junior students represent Belgium together.

  • Lily Mitchell and Jake Ellengold representing Australia and New Zealand.

  • Students watch the Tae Kwon Do during Diversity Day.

  • Students sport the South Korean flag on their arms.

  • Students crowd around the South Korean booth.

  • Liana Farah, Sophia Ashbahian, and Jossi Aras representing Armenia.

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