Close Up On The Art Club
Projects throughout the Seasons

NVOT students involved in the art club have been teaching the kids basic ways to create art.
This year, art club students have taken a step back from murals, and a step towards the tots program. Once a month during lunch, the tots are given a chance to foster their artistic minds and create art. Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. So although it’s plenty of fun, this club also helps the tots advance intellectually.
“It’s a really nice way for the teens that don’t do child development to also get to see the tots,” said club advisor Celia Gollub.
The tots take part in a themed project relating to the current season of the year. Most of their work is up on the walls near the tots’ classroom.
The kids seem to get very excited whenever it’s that time of the month. Senior Sofia Viganola said, “the tots’ eyes widen whenever they hear we are coming to do a craft with them.” The club members always look forward to spending their lunch period helping them create crafts.
Junior Lizzie Ognibene, added “it’s also a great way to get freshmen involved with the tots because they are not allowed to take child development until sophomore year.”
In the future, the club hopes to start participating in more strenuous projects other than just cutting paper.