On Tuesday November 21st, three former NVOT students, and one current teacher were nominated for awards at the Bergen County YMCA ceremony. The nominees included: Kate Meeks, Mackenzie Ward, Alex Kranzler, and Mrs. Christine Massaro. Meeks and Ward were chosen with three females as the best female athletes; and Kranzler was chosen with four others as the best male athletes in Bergen county. Massaro also won an award for “assistant coach”.
These athletes are currently pursuing their sports at the collegiate level. Ward plays basketball at Franklin and Marshall College, Kranzler continues his baseball path at Vanderbilt University, and Meeks runs track and field and cross country at Fordham University. Massaro said, “I am greatly proud of the three student-athletes.”
Massaro, a coach, teacher, and a former NVOT athlete has impacted these three former students while they attended NVOT. Being a part of their long journey as athletes, she said, “it was a special moment for me.”
The three athletes who were honored will be part of the NVOT athletic legacy for years to come.