There’s one thing in this society that people tend to make at the beginning of every year: New Year’s Resolutions.
When people hear the phrase “New Years Resolution,” they automatically think I will. But what’s the point of saying anything, if that task is never going to get completed? Unless you are a grown man or woman that has nothing better to do, you rarely will complete your resolution. In fact, US News and World Report finds that 80 percent of resolution makers give up by February. Practically every one of us makes the same, basic resolutions about things that your mom tries to get you to do on a daily basis. Here are some of the traditional resolutions that are way over-made but rarely actually get used.
“I will eat healthier”
We all know someone who decides enough is enough, and stops eating sugary or salty foods for a solid two days. Everyone is disappointed with themselves with what they eat for a majority of their lives, and some believe that the new year beginning will solve this. Say goodbye to candy, popcorn, and french fries for now…only to reintroduce them again in less than a week.
“I will exercise more”
Playing a sport is not the only exercise you should have throughout your week. Going on a run, going to the gym, or even walking your dog are just some examples of what people tend to start doing after the new year. This is the time of the year when many say goodbye to being a couch potato, and actually get up and try to do something. Some may go as far to buy a gym membership and cancel it less than a month later.
“I will study more”
Say goodbye to the constant C and hello to the new A. A new year is a new you, including your grades. Constant distractions such as social media or phones in general can be blocked with a bowl of goldfish in one hand, and your laptop in the other. This basic New Years resolution gives hope to not only the child but also their parents.
“I will spend less money”
This is the New Years resolution that keeps making your fathers smile from ear to ear. For once in his life, he hopes he will be able to keep his wallet in his pocket and full for more than a week. Unnecessary clothes and food that you really don’t need will slowly stop being purchased. Although it sounds easy, give it one week and you won’t be able to go without a new outfit or ice cream after dinner.
“I will spend more quality time with friends/family”
There’s always that one person in the family who always keeps to themselves in their bedroom. It’s either playing Fortnite the whole day, or glued to your bed watching your favorite Netflix series. Take a walk outside your room and let people enjoy your presence. Sometimes, surprisingly, your family misses your presence once in a while.
These typical New Year’s resolutions are clearly commonly used, and in all, worn out. We should try to get more technical with our resolutions and actually, maybe, complete them. Instead of making a resolution, make your family proud by helping around the house, studying more, and or spending time with them. Don’t just say you’ll do something and not do it. The next time you’re trying to come up with a last minute resolution, actually try to be a little more out-of-the-box and get it done.