The All School Musical Production (ASMP) continues to prepare for its upcoming performances of Cats, scheduled for March 1 through March 3. Tickets are on sale at lunch every C day in the Media Center.
English Department
On Friday, February 9, senior Dhriti Somas competed in the Poetry Out Loud regional competition at Passaic County Community College. Somas won first place and will represent the region in the March 14 state competition at the Count Basie Center for the Arts.
The Esports Dungeons and Dragons division held a meeting in E101, Friday, February 9. At the meeting, members learned about scene building by running campaigns.
On Friday, February 9, the Korean Parents Association (KPA) held a table in the C hallway offering various Korean snacks to students for free to celebrate Lunar New Year.
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl held its first meeting Tuesday, February 6 in room A224 after having its club stipend reinstated. Students interested in joining can reach out to advisor Erica Sposa.