Diversity Club
On Thursday, March 28, Diversity Club hosted its annual Diversity Day in the south gym. The event featured student-run booths representing countries across the world, along with student performances.
FBLA ran a collection of nonperishable goods that ended Tuesday, March 26. The donations will be delivered to the Jewish Federation of North Jersey, an organization based in Paramus that will distribute the collected goods to nearby food pantries.
On Thursday, March 28, the GSA club met in the academic theater during lunch for its monthly meeting. At the meeting, the club had its yearbook photo taken.
Quiz Bowl
The Quiz Bowl team met Tuesday, March 26 in room A224 after school to practice for its upcoming competition. At the practice, members reviewed questions from previous years’ competitions.
Science Department
From Monday, March 25 to Thursday, March 28, students in Regina Smilon’s Forensic Science class staged crime scenes in the auditorium as part of a project for the end of marking period. Work on the project began mid-March, with students developing murder mystery scenarios, which featured figures of teachers as characters, for classmates to eventually solve.
World Language Department
NVOT’s chapter of the National Chinese Honor Society held an induction ceremony in the media center Tuesday, March 26. Three students were inducted: junior Graciela Fajardo and seniors Elly Ho and Manda Lee. The ceremony was organized by world language department teachers Wenjie Liu and Myung Jin Lee.