Growing up, senior Christos Timotheou always had an interest in art. He “relates his art to his life” and would “occasionally paint or draw some deeper themes.’” He creates his art with perspective and personal meaning, which isn’t normally shown on the surface, leaving the audience to interpret his art on their own.
With his bold and dark pieces, he has created a unique and different style. Most of his artwork is never planned out, and is instead based off of the vibes and colors he feels like experimenting with. Before working with paint, Timotheou worked with basic pens and pencils. He would, from time to time, create sculptures as well.
As a member of the IIDT program, Timotheou wasn’t able to take any art electives until his senior year. Years before he took her class, art teacher Donna Beekman admired his sculptures. “I told him ‘you have a talent and you have something different that I’ve never seen before.’”
When he began taking art classes, he gained an interest in working with paint, specifically acrylic, gouache, or watercolor. Beekman said, “It is great how experimental he is. It’s one of his strengths.”
His art has gathered attention from plenty of people in the NVOT community. Senior Katelyn Hartmann, a friend of Timotheou, said, “I realized that art can be done in different ways and is unique to each person.”
Timotheou is also seen as a great team player in his classes. Beekman said, “He is very good at helping his fellow classmates when reflecting on their work and giving suggestions. With his great personality, he works well with everyone and is kind to everyone.”
Like any other artist, he has gone through some challenges with his artwork in the public eye. Recently, someone vandalized one of his paintings by spitting on it. Timotheou said, “I don’t think people understand how devastating that was for me. Art isn’t only a lot of random time, it’s a lot of my time, and when someone literally spits on something as valuable as that, you really gotta think about what you must have done to deserve that, because that’s personal.” Despite the fear that it could happen again, he continues to put in the time and effort into his art.