The People Behind the Desk: What You Don’t Know About Them

“I am very passionate about personal finance because no matter what profession you have, you have to know how to manage your money.” – Mrs. Jennifer Bieber
Class: Business & Personal Finance, Marketing 2 Honors, Marketing 3 Honors
About/Description: “One of the nice things about business is that it’s really for anyone, even if you don’t plan to go into business. You will use business your entire life. Everyone’s going to have to have a checking account, a debit card, a credit card, save for retirement, set savings goals, so it’s literally just laying that groundwork. I just feel that any business course is good for any profession because it’s a life skill.”
CAPTION: “Bieber summer family fun with Frosties!”
“I did study abroad in Germany, where I met students from all over the world. The person sitting next to me was from Spain, and we are still friends. He came to my wedding and when he got married, he invited my husband and me to Spain. He just traveled to New York last June, and I quickly had dinner with him. So after all these years, he and I are still friends.”
“I worked in the corporate world before I became a teacher. My first job out of college was in advertising for Sony Electronics. When they were headquartered in Park Ridge, I was a production administrator. When I left Sony, I went to work for PrintwaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which is a big four professional services firm. I worked in marketing for them as a marketing manager. I liked PwC a lot because it’s a global organization, so I would listen to foreign languages a lot, which was kind of exciting. And I got to meet people from so many different countries, which I also really liked.”
“I’ve been to eleven European countries: England, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Liechtenstein, and Holland.”

“I try to recognize the humanity of each of my students and to meet them where they are.” – Mrs. Allison Beesley
Class: English 2, AP Language and Composition
About/Description: “I enjoy sharing my love of reading, and get pretty fired up about my favorite texts, but the best part of teaching these courses is exploring the power of language to persuade, to protest, and even to empower those who master it. My students can expect me to encourage them when they are frustrated, praise them when they show courage or growth, and challenge them when they are not at their best.”
CAPTION: “My grandma in 1933, breaking all the rules. This photo reminds me that I am who and where I am because of the courageous women who came before me and that I have a responsibility to bring others along behind me.”
- “I secretly believe it was my calling to be some kind of recluse homesteader. I obsess about growing my own food and being closely connected to the earth, so I spend as much of my time outside as possible, hiking, gardening, and paddleboarding.”
- “When I retire someday, I hope to become a master gardener and work on my environmental pet projects, teaching people about responsible stewardship of the land.”

“I really enjoy teaching my AP courses because I get to interact with some of our school’s best and brightest students.” – Mr. Paul Capuzzo
Class: AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science A, and Algebra 2 CPE
About/Description: “Students should expect a blend of hard work and lightheartedness in my class.”
CAPTION: “I attached a photo of myself participating in a triathlon this past June. I coach runners and triathletes, so I love racing because I think it’s important to lead by example. This photo represents me as a teacher because it illustrates how hard work pays off!”
- “A fun fact about me is that I have been playing drums since the age of 10.”
- “A person I would love to meet is Yvon Chouinard because he is kind, generous, and selfless.”