Divers-OT Day
Students organize and host a day to share cultures and food

On Tuesday, April 17th, Diversity Club held its annual Diversity Day.
Diversity Day at NVOT is when students set up booths to represent various countries and causes, such as GSA, in order to educate students on different cultures. “It’s a day where we we’re all able to come together and share our heritages as well as demonstrate our skills and hobbies,” said senior Hana Bernik, who was part of the production and who performed the national anthem. The day gives students the opportunity to both be introduced to different cultures, and share their culture with their peers.
“We celebrate everyone, and we celebrate together. [Diversity day] is trying to accomplish spreading diversity among the masses and introducing and sharing different cultures and knowledge,” said senior Claire Choi, who was also involved in the production and performed a song with the Sign Language Club.
There were 27 booths of various cultures and 11 different performers included in Diversity Day. Some of the performances included several renditions of the national anthem, a K-Pop dance, and a taekwondo presentation. According to Choi, the day went smoother than planned. “We started getting people to sign up or get involved in the middle of March,” said Choi.
“Preparing for it took some work, but really it was all fun,” Bernik added. She also stated that “the day itself was fantastic! There was so much culture, food, and smiles [all] in one place.”
Junior Aidan Nelson, who attended the event, agreed: “The food was good, and the presenters clearly put a lot of effort into their performances. Overall it was a very well-organized event.”
“It was a great experience.” added junior Eric Arakelian, who also attended the event. Everyone involved was pleased with the outcome: “we were able to showcase all performers, and started and finished the day successfully,” said Choi.