Wisdom for Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out

The dos the don’ts

Wisdom for Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out

There comes a time in most teenagers’ lives when they have to go through a hard and uncomfortable experience. I’m talking about getting your wisdom teeth pulled out. For those who are worried or have no idea what to expect, here are a few dos and don’ts for the process:


  1. Eat and Drink a lot the day before: the doctor will inform you to not eat or drink anything after midnight before the surgery. Eat everything that you won’t be able to after the surgery: you will be limited to things like soup, ice cream, applesauce, scrambled eggs, and pureed smoothies.
  2. Buy food and drinks for after the surgery: because you are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the surgery, there’s a wave of hunger waiting for you on the other side of the laughing gas and anesthesia. The last thing you want is to go into the grocery store when your face is blown up 3 times its normal size.
  3. Tell your mom or dad to lock the car door when they’re getting your medicine: Now that the surgery is over, pain and swelling medication are a necessity. When you stop at the pharmacy, the anesthesia from the surgery will still be in effect and you will not be in the right headspace. Locking the door provides a safeguard. In my case, it would have kept me from wobbling after my mom and tripping over the curb.


  1. Look in the mirror after the surgery: when you wake up a lot of emotions will follow.  Your mouth is stuffed with gauze and you just don’t feel like yourself. Now, of course, you promised your friends and/or family that you’d send them funny videos of yourself but they won’t be funny to you. Yes, it does seem like a good idea at the time, but when you see yourself for the first time it will not be a happy reaction. looking back on my videos, most of them are just me crying from seeing how gross I look. I would suggest that you get a parent or friend to take the videos for you.
  2. Forget to take your medicine: the medicine they give you will naturally help your recovery and although sleep seems like all that matters, you will regret not taking that anti-swelling medicine. Also, remember Advil is your friend–you’ll need all the pain reducers you can get.
  3. Watch food commercials: it is in your and your family’s best interest to change channels when these come on even or to just stream a show to avoid commercials altogether. In the following days, I had never craved a Little Caesars deep-dish pizza so much, and I have never even had Little Caesars before. Taco Bell’s Crunchwrap Supreme made my mouth water every time the commercial came on, and for once, it wasn’t because of the surgery.

Getting wisdom teeth taken out isn’t anything to be scared of; it is actually an excellent opportunity for new stories and an excuse for you not to get out of bed for a few days. Although it will seem like the end of the world at the time, these are some ways to make it more bearable. Following these dos and don’t will help you cruise through getting your wisdom teeth removed.