101 Things to Do When You’re Bored–Coronavirus Quarantine Edition

Activities to keep yourself entertained since you can’t go outside


It’s been one week since online schooling began and families in the Northern Valley were urged to self-quarantine. As of Saturday, March 21, New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, issued a state-wide “stay at home” order which closed all non-essential business and prohibited large gatherings. But with all this time spent at home, things can get old fast. Here are some ways to pass the time during the quarantine: 


  1. Do a face mask or hair mask
  2. DIY a face mask or a hair mask
  3. Moisturize
  4. Take a bubble bath
  5. Take a long shower
  6. Give yourself a manicure/pedicure
  7. Experiment with new makeup looks
Treat yo’ self!

Clothes and Hair

  1. Try out some new hairdos
  2. Learn how to braid
  3. Plan out a cool outfit
  4. Find new online stores to shop at
  5. Crop an old t-shirt
  6. Untangle your necklaces

    Pro Tip: use a pencil to help separate the chains


  1. Clean your room
  2. Clean out your closet
  3. Refold your clothes
  4. Organize your makeup/accessories
  5. Clean your white shoes
  6. Do your laundry
  7. Make your bed
  8. Clean out your fridge
  9. Color-coordinate your clothes
  10. Go through your email

    Marie Kondo would be proud


  1. Make a picture wall
  2. Replace the pictures in your picture frames
  3. Rearrange your furniture
  4. DIY room decor

    HGTV but make it quarantine

Social Media

  1. Learn the trendiest Tik Tok dance
  2. Make a fan page
  3. DM some celebrities on Instagram
  4. Create a Snapchat filter
  5. Re-customize your Bitmoji
  6. Make a Pinterest board
  7. Start a youtube channel
  8. Try to go viral on Tik Tok by using the trending hashtags

    We’ll keep you updated on his response


  1. Take a photoshoot of your dog
  2. Take your dog for a walk
  3. Teach your pet a new trick
  4. Convince your mom to get you a puppy
  5. Go on Petfinder, and look at animals that you can rescue

    A great way to celebrate National Puppy Day


  1. Text an old friend
  2. Facetime your best friend
  3. Download a dating app!
  4. Prank call someone
  5. Reach out to your number neighbor
Stay in touch with your friends—they’re bored too


  1. Watch a new TV show
  2. Rewatch your favorite TV show
  3. Pick back up the show you never finished watching
  4. Watch a new movie
  5. Watch a scary movie 
  6. Rewatch your favorite movie
  7. Make a list of your favorite movies and shows to share with your friends
Unlimited time, unlimited binging

Get cozy

  1. Make a fort out of blankets and pillows
  2. Make yourself hot chocolate or tea
  3. Turn your fireplace on
  4. Watch the sunset
  5. Take a long nap
Now all you need is marshmallows and it’s just like the outdoors—sort of


  1. Follow a drawing tutorial
  2. Download a coloring app
  3. Make a collage using printed photos or magazine
  4. Make a colorful list of your goals
Practice your drawing skills for when you have to draw vegetables on your Instagram Story


  1. Make yourself a new playlist on Apple Music or Spotify
  2. Write a song
  3. Play around on garage band
  4. Listen to a new genre of music
  5. Catch up on watching music videos
  6. Learn all the words to “Rap God” by Eminem
  7. Try out listening to a new artist
  8. Listen to the newest Lance playlist
Become THE Rap God


  1. Make up a recipe 
  2. Make a cheese platter (use tutorials on Tik Tok)
  3. Make a family member breakfast in bed
  4. Drink a lot of water – hydration is key
  5. Make your favorite dessert
  6. Make a sandwich
  7. Go on Supercook, and pick a recipe you can make with ingredients you have in the house
Snack away the day

Educate yourself

  1. Read a book 
  2. Listen to a podcast
  3. Write a poem
  4. Learn a new language
  5. Read the newest COVID-19 updates
  6. Do your schoolwork?

    Remember this list is only a suggestion

Stay Fit

  1. Go on a run
  2. Meditate
  3. Do yoga
  4. Follow a youtube workout routine
  5. Download a workout app
  6. Do 100 jumping jacks
  7. Go on a health kick
  8. Stretch
  9. Go on a hike
Social distancing with a view


  1. Learn how to tie a tie
  2. Teach yourself sign language
  3. Practice your signature
  4. Look up possible volunteer work for the future
  5. Try not to think of pandas- harder than you think
  6. Learn a magic trick
  7. Annoy your sibling or parent
  8. Learn how to lucid dream
  9. Research and memorize jokes
We’re in this together!