Breaking News: NVOT to go all virtual 11/11

On November 10 Principal Bruce Sabatini announced on a telephone call to all families and staff that NVOT will hold all classes virtually on Wednesday, November 11. During this time, the high school will be conducting “contact tracing resulting from multiple positive COVID-19 tests”. Additionally, all sports and after school activities have been cancelled for that day. 

An email blast sent by Sabatini at 8:37 p.m. to the entire school specified that the cohort present for tomorrow is irrelevant: all students and teachers will remain at home for tomorrow’s school day. Students will log onto their periods one through four classes, from 8 a.m. to 12:08 p.m., via Zoom.

This is a developing story. The Lance will continue to update as the story unfolds.

11/11/20 Update: Superintendent James Santana announced via twitter at 12:30 pm that NVOT will remain remote through 11/18. More information will be out shortly via email from Santana.