2021 AP Exam Updates

What you need to know about the updated 2021 AP Exams

Tala Areiqat

College Board releases the latest about the new 2021 AP exams.

On March 5, Principal Bruce Sabatini relayed the College Board’s AP Exam update that they announced earlier this year. These new exams will better cater to students’ needs during the pandemic and allow students to take the end-of-course exams digitally or in-person. 

For more information on the differences between digital and in-person exams, see the College Board document here

The College Board created three different testing periods. The first testing period is from May 3-7, 10-12, 14, and 17, where all exams will be in-person, full-length paper and pencil exams for all subjects. The second is from May 18-21, 24-28, which will be both in-school and at-home exams, half of which are paper and pencil administered in school, and the other half are full-length digital exams. Finally, the third testing period is from June 1-4, 7-11, where they will only offer digital exams. 

The 2021 exam schedule. (Charlie Dippolito)

The College Board also announced that all schools would make their own decisions about which exams are offered; students won’t be able to choose their own exam dates. The AP Studio Art, Computer Science Principles, Seminar, and Research performance tasks must be submitted to the College Board by Thursday, May 2o, 2021, 11:59 p.m. EST. 

NVOT will offer all tests throughout the three testing periods; however, students can choose whether or not they want to take their exams at home or in school. Students must let the school know whether or not they want to take their AP Exam in school by filling out this Google form by Tuesday, March 9, at 11:59 p.m. If the student does not complete the form before that, they will automatically take their exam at home. Students enrolled in AP Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Music Theory are only allowed to take their exams in person. Students must take at least one of their AP exams for a course they are currently enrolled in, and can opt-out of their other exams if they no longer wish to take them on the same Google form.