GSA welcomes two new advisors

GSA's new advisors, Ms. Cynthia Affinito and Ms. Jennifer Fernandez

Danielle Mimeles

GSA’s new advisors, Ms. Cynthia Affinito and Ms. Jennifer Fernandez

Eagerly assembling in a classroom amidst walls brimming with motivational quotes and Time magazine covers, members of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) waited for one of their biweekly meetings on Tuesday, November 1.  

Some attendees were returning members, and others had just started in September, most notably teachers Cynthia Affinito and Jennifer Fernandez. Both are the brand new advisors of the GSA.

Before reflecting upon the other extracurricular work she has done, Fernandez explained this was another “opportunity…to become familiar with students on a non-academic level.”

Affinito added she wanted to “help them [GSA members] in any way [for example] accomplishing their goals.”

When it comes to deciding on what course of activities and events the GSA will hold, these two history teachers have decided to institute a laissez faire policy of their own.  “We want the officers to drive the initiative,” Affinito stated.

Fernandez agreed saying the “ideas will be based on student interests or what they feel needs to be focused on.”

Both hope for an eventful and successful year.