Ho-Ho-How You Lose your Holiday Spirit in 9 ½ days

The rollercoaster of emotions we all feel over break

Everyone agrees that the day before holiday break is one of the most cheerful days of the year. But as gifts, family, and the holidays themselves come and go, we experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Though there may be nothing happier than a kid on Christmas, there is also nothing sadder than a kid the day after Christmas.

Christmas Day itself is way overhyped. Once we finish opening up/giving presents, there’s nothing really to look forward to. However, the weeks leading up to Christmas are the most exhilarating. Throughout December, we typically blast Christmas music while baking Christmas treats to really get us into the holiday spirit. So although the holiday season is exciting, once the highly anticipated day finally rolls around, the spirit dies, and we need to wait a whole year to feel that excitement again. 

Normally, you would have plenty of time to recover from the depression of taking down your Christmas decorations. But this year, everything is different thanks to a short 9 ½ day break. So you better enjoy it while it lasts, because before you know it you will be back in school, counting down the days until winter vacation in February. Here’s what this year’s break looks like:

Friday, December 23

This is one of the easiest school days of the year. You convince your teachers to let you watch Polar Express or listen to Christmas music, so school is a breeze. Later on in the day, maybe you’ll hang out with friends or family doing fun holiday activities such as sledding, watching festive movies, or decorating gingerbread houses.


Saturday, December 24

It’s finally the day before Christmas, and the anticipation is high as ever as you await the upcoming celebrations. You may spend time with loved ones, exchanging gifts and preparing for the next day. The night of Christmas Eve, everyone is always thrilled waiting for the next morning. Many distant family members may come to your house for a pre-Christmas party. Many stuff their faces with the delicious Italian tradition of the seven fishes. But one of the biggest reasons most love Christmas Eve so much is because pre-Christmas presents are often exchanged throughout cousins and extended family. It’s a good way to get everyone a little extra excited for the next day, and crave more of the holiday spirit. 


Sunday, December 25

After hours of cooking, weeks of gift-buying, and 364 days of waiting, it’s finally Christmas Day. The morning is great–as you open the top gift on your wishlist and share the holiday with your loved ones. But, as the day comes to an end, you come to notice your holiday spirit slipping away—slowly but surely. 


Monday, December 26

The day after Christmas is when it slips away for good. All the presents are open, the tree just looks sad standing in the corner of the house, and the spirit and excitement has faded. Perhaps there are some plans to hang out with friends and see each other’s gifts—but these are the last bits of holiday happiness.


Tuesday, December 27 through Thursday, December 29

The thrill of Christmas day and all your new gifts is gone. Many start putting away decorations, and saying their goodbyes to their sparkling Christmas tree. The dull, boring part of the break normally occurs during this time in between Christmas and New Years. It’s where you have some time to yourself, and figure out the best ways to pass the time.


Friday, December 30 

Since it is the day before New Year’s Eve, a trickle of spirit seeps into today and your friends are blowing up your phone. Plans are being made, and parties being had. Optimism for the new year gives you the boost you’ve been needing. 


Saturday December 31

You party with friends and family on one of the most fun nights of the year. As midnight approaches, anticipation for 2023 is higher than ever. The ball drops, and the celebration kicks off. 


Sunday January 1

Then the realization fully hits–Sunday night when we have to get into the mental mindset of work or school the next day, and going to bed early after days of all-night festivities, or going into a deep slumber early that night. After a whole month of celebration, the season has now ended. On the bright side, it is a new year, and a new beginning.


The Christmas season gives off so much excitement. However, Christmas day itself just isn’t that exciting. It’s the end of it all. After December, there are no more holidays that we look forward to as much as Christmas. Now it’s time for you to repeat the cycle once again, and wait for another 364 days.