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NVOT’s Own Spooky Sightings

NVOT’s Own Spooky Sightings

Students takes on paranormal activity

Paranormal activity isn’t just the stuff we see online. In reality, it happens to the best of us. Many may think of the idea of seeing a ghost, when it isn’t that at all. Some of our very own students have experienced the most spooky, spine-tingling abnormal sightings. Just a little flash of light or a blur in the corner of your room will cause stress. Here are three stories from NVOT students that will leave you spooked.


One hundred and fifty years ago, a man died in the house where junior Presly Saunier currently lives. But it gets creepier. It just so happened to be a guy that shared the same name as her father. 

Presly has seen and felt many things. Whenever she’s at the top of the stairs, she feels someone trying to push her down. She explains it as a random force or pressure on her back. Not only that, but she sometimes sees a cat in the corner of her eye in her basement even though she doesn’t own one, and she can’t find out why. The Sauniers are no strangers to houses with some haunted history. As a child, her mother had lived in a “haunted house” where the previous resident had also passed inside the house. Saunier reports that her mother frequently heard noises of someone walking up the stairs when no one was home. Clearly Presly and her family still have, to this day, paranormal activity happening around them. 


On numerous occasions, sophomore Sofia Inganamorte has reported hearing her garage door open and close. One night in particular, Inganamorte’s mother was out to eat with her boyfriend and she was home alone. When other people are in your house with you, you tend to block out all noises, but when you’re home alone one thought comes to mind when you hear something: paranormal activity. Inganamorte rarely goes downstairs from her bedroom but that one night, she happened to hear her garage door open and close. Sofia was quick to call her mom, scared like we all would be. Her mother told her it was definitely not someone in the house, because cameras covered every inch, and she just ruled out that their garage needed to be fixed. But if she’s not the one opening the doors, then who is? At first, she thought it was just the wind. However, she finds it hard to believe that on a sunny day with 90-degree weather, there’s wind strong enough to open her enormous garage door. Are there larger—perhaps paranormal—forces at play here? Who knows for sure, but Inganamorte hasn’t ruled out that possibility. 


Many believe that the spirits of our long gone relatives watch over us. Junior Samantha Weyer has a story to share that might prove this to be true. Despite being a deep-sleeper, Weyer woke up one night to an unusual sight: a middle-aged man wearing a big brown cowboy hat. At first, Weyer was more confused than scared, thinking she was dreaming. She blinked once, and the man was gone. The next morning, Weyer explained what she saw to her mom. But instead of dismissing it as a dream, her mom said it had to be her uncle’s spirit watching over her. Apparently, her uncle constantly wore a cowboy hat.   

Clearly, paranormal activity isn’t just a myth that we hear about on TV shows all the time. These “events that cannot be explained by existing science” prove that anything can happen. It is possible one day we all may experience it ourselves. 


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