A popular tradition across schools and summer camps made its way to NVOT for the first time: color wars.
From Monday, April 22 to Friday, April 26, Student Council held a school-wide color wars competition. All four grades along with the staff were assigned a color and competed in different events each day of the week for the ultimate prize of the color war trophy. At the end of the week, the class of 2027 was named the winner.
The four categories of events were hallway decorating, daily lunchtime activities, a staff trivia contest, and a dollar duel. For each activity won, grades and staff earned points. The number of points each grade and the staff scored was tallied at the end of the week to determine the winner.
According to Student Council advisor Lindsay Steffner, color wars started as a fundraiser idea for Student Council, but became a way to excite the school community. “We thought it would be an exciting way to enter the fourth quarter and bring some enjoyment at lunchtime.” Steffner said. “When the halls are decorated, it brings more school spirit and lifts people’s moods.”

From the sounds of it, Student Council’s instinct was right. Students and staff alike reported boosted school spirit.
Junior Madison Kosmark said, “I think it made the school festive and brought a lot of school spirit to NVOT.”
Freshman Nora Lee agreed, “It was great that our grade showed a lot of school spirit, and I’m glad we won.”
But the color wars didn’t only boost school spirit for students—they brought students and teachers together in a different way.
“It was a great way to bring laughter and cheer to my day as well as the students’ day,” math department teacher and staff color wars participant Lisa Leo said. “It was fun to see the students in a different environment than the classroom. Students and teachers were both laughing and having a fun time.”
Steffner sees the participation and response of students and teachers in the week’s events as a sign that this year’s color wars won’t be NVOT’s last: “I’m hoping to make this a tradition each year, and I’m hoping it grows bigger and bigger,” Stefner said.