Art Department
On Sunday, January 28, senior Kimin Kang represented NVOT at the 36th annual Art Administrators of NJ Emerging Artists Gallery at Kean University. At the event, Kang’s artwork was displayed in an exhibit featuring pieces from students across the state.
Chinese Club
On Friday, January 26, the Chinese Club hosted a Year of the Dragon celebration in room A206. Students made dragon-themed crafts and watched a movie about dragons to learn about Chinese art and culture.
Debate Team
The varsity debate team held a meeting Thursday, January 25 in room B207. At the meeting, members prepared for the upcoming debate tournament Friday, February 2.
Environmental Science Club
On Friday, January 26, the Environmental Science club met in room B106 after school to discuss upcoming club activities. The club sent out a survey for members to vote on an animal to virtually adopt and planned for a club screening of the movie Princess Mononoke in February.
Korean Club
The Korean Club hosted a bake sale after school at the main entrance Thursday, January 25. Funds from the bake sale will be used to support the club.
Music Department
On Saturday, January 28, juniors Luca Evangelista and Jessie Cho and senior Bohyun Ahn performed in the North Jersey School Music Association Region 1 Band Concert at
Parsippany Hills High School. Music teacher Amy Wilcox also conducted the Wind Ensemble at the concert.
Photography Club
The Photography Club had a bake sale Tuesday, January 23 after school. The bake sale was a club fundraiser for new cameras.